Payment Methods for Worldwide Shipping:
For international orders, we accept PayPal payments only.

Payment Methods for Shipping in Japan:
Credit/Debit Card
Customers can pay by credit or debit cards from Visa, MasterCard, Diner's JCB, AMEX using our online cart system.
In the case of usually large quantity orders, to protect our customers from fraud, we will flag such orders and contact the credit card company to confirm that the identity of the card holder is real. It may take 2-3 business days for this clearance. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated if such events occur in your order.

C.O.D. (Cash on Delivery)
Customers can pay in person by cash or card directly to the delivery service agent when the product is delivered to their address. Please have cash or credit card ready at the time of delivery.
To ensure a smooth delivery, please note the specific time and date for delivery to arrive in the 'comments' box.

Japan Post Bank Transfer
Upon confirmation of product stock, we will email the customer our Japan Post bank transfer information and it is then up to the customer to complete the payment by the deadline.
*Please Note:
The payment must be made within 3 business days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays). If the payment is not completed by the deadline, the order will be automatically cancelled.