
Terms of Use for this Why are you here website (https://whyareyouhere.jp/ hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) managed and operated by SANKI-SHOJI CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “Sanki" "Us" or "We") are as outlined below. In addition to "Why are you here?
Terms and conditions"(Terms), if there is an individual agreement, Terms will consist of the two contents.

Article 1

Establishment of procedure.

Users shall refer to people who view, make purchases on or make use of the Service. Use of the Service shall constitute your agreement to observe and be bound by these Terms of Use.
Establishment of procedure is valid for users who register, make purchases or have moved on to any other procedure via Internet, have been provided data related to the procedure processed by our server to users and when the procedure has been reflected on our website system.
For phone order, establishment of procedure is valid when users have paid deposit for products, pre-order or layaway.

Article 2

Revisions of the Terms.
  • 2.1 We may at any time update or revise the Terms.
  • 2.2 When revised We will fulfill obligation by forwarding notification via website announcement or to the e-mail address registered by you.
  • 2.3 Due to the above mentioned content, if there are no objections from users within a defined period of time(if not defined, one week) from the announcement day of Terms revision, it is regarded as users have agreed with Us that the revised Terms come into effect.
  • 2.4 Users are not allowed to claim unawareness and disapproval against Us.

Artical 3

Product Purchase.
  • 3.1 After applying for the purchase of the product, users are able to cancel the purchase only in the following cases.
  • If you contact Us by email, call our customer support, or use the inquiry form by 11:00 AM the next day after placing your order.
  • 3.2 We can decide whether or not we accept the application/order from users.
  • 3.3 Users are obligated to pay the price of the product by the time and method outlined by us.
  • 3.4 If the user does not pay for the product by the time specified by Us, the user must pay the late charge at a rate of 14.6% per year.
  • 3.5 Users may not transfer their rights occurred between the sales contract with Us to a third party and use them as collateral.
  • 3.6 We reserve the right to terminate a purchase without any notation when there is no payment from the customer by the time specified by Us. In addition, We may claim for
  • damages towards the purchaser if necessary.
  • 3.7 Partial payment completed when pre-order or layaway in a fixed period have been conducted cannot be refunded in any circumstances.
  • 3.8 We reserve the right to cancel any sales agreement even for those once confirmed, if it applies to the following reasons specified by Us.
  • ・When users are under the age of 18 and have no agreement confirmed by parental authority.
  • ・For users residing outside Japan.
  • ・When users have violated Terms and Conditions outlined by Us in the past.
  • ・When a user places an order with a false or wrong statement.
  • ・When a user has neglected debt payment in the past.
  • ・When users return or reject purchased items with no rational reason.
  • ・When We detect any false information related to sales conditions such as retail price.
  • ・Other cases when We deem the situation inappropriate.

Artical 4

  • 4.1 Except special cases,We are not responsible for displaying, unpacking and collecting package material of customers' purchased items.
  • 4.2 Users cannot change delivery addresses without any report to Us.

Artical 5

Shipping cost and Commission

All shipping costs shall be paid by customers except for products We specified.
If the user chooses the COD method, the user is required to pay an extra charge.

Article 6

Returns and Exchanges

Users must conform to our returns policy below.
In case for 6.2 and 6.3, users can return purchased product unworn (other than to try them on), unwashed, undamaged and unused.

  • 6.1 When products have default.
  • 6.2 If products are stained or damaged during delivery.
  • 6.3 When We have shipped different products to customer.(It does not include a case when a customer received products that are not what they subjectively expected.)

Article 7

User Information (Personal information)
  • 7.1 As users provided personal information to Us for the purpose to receive our services, We will use users information conform to following guidelines.
  • ・When we provide Our service operation and other service related to Us.
  • ・Ours and third parties' service/product sales, sales solicitation, dispatch and offering.
  • ・Ours and third parties advertisement and promotion (including direct mail and electronic mail).
  • ・For questionnaire and analysis for Our quality improvement/management.
  • ・For after-sales care and users enquiries.
  • ・Information of matters that have significant impact on Our service and new
  • service development.
  • ・For our maintenance and malfunction support.
  • 7.2 We will provide personal information to third parties that conform to following guidelines.
  • ・When there is consent directly with users. 
  • ・When disclosure is required from the Court, Public Prosecutors Office, Police, Tax Office, Bar Association & other institutions with similar authority. 
  • ・When making an insurance claim to the insurance company. 
  • ・When outsourcing all or part of Our services. 
  • ・To a person/people who have a duty of confidentiality. 
  • ・When execution of rights is necessary. 
  • ・When merger and business transfer occur it is necessary to disclose to the business successor. 
  • ・When the Act on the Protection of Personal Information is permitted to disclose.
  • 7.3 We use cookie information for the purpose of the following guidelines.
  • ・Restraint of advertisement.(to make sure a particular advertisement will not appear on a particular user more than once.) 
  • ・To facilitate the login environment. 
  • ・When We decide that the information is beneficial for users. 
  • ・To analyze users' tendency for a better service and project proposal.
  • 7.4 We will act upon Our privacy regarding Our handling of personal information.
  • 7.5 Users cannot state any objection related to Our handling of personal information fundamentally, as it is to be agreed with Us in advance of what We have specified in this article.

Article 8

Disclosure and Deletion and others of Personal Information.

Users have the right to claim for disclosure, deletion, revision or cessation of their registered personal information. Once We have confirmed any request is from the person themselves, We will immediately comply with your requests.
Regarding this matter, our contact information is below.
Mail : info@whyareyouhere.jp Tel : 06-6484-7399

Article 9

Relation of Rights(Intellectual Property Rights)
  • 9.1 Copyrights and all rights(ownership,image rights, publicity rights etc) in connection with the contents and components(characters, pictures, videos and audio etc) of Our service belong to Us and entitled third parties.
  • 9.2 Users do not acquire to hold any of Our contents and components. Users are not allowed to violate or any acts related to violation of ownership, intellectual property rights,image rights, publicity rights and all rights associated with Our contents material without Our permission.
  • 9.3 When users commit an act in violation of the provisions, users are required to solve all problems incurred by their costs and responsibility in conjunction with not causing trouble and damage to Us.

Article 10


Upon using Our services, users are prohibited to act or commit to act likely to the following:

  • ・Action of violating Ours and third parties' legitimate rights such as ownership, intellectual property rights, image rights, publicity rights etc.
  • ・Action of damaging or giving disadvantage to other users, Us and third parties.
  • ・Acts against public order and morals. 
  • ・Action of violating law and ordinances.
  • ・Acts of sales related to Our services without permission from Us. 
  • ・Acts of interference with Our business operation.
  • ・Acts of ruining credibility or damaging the reputation of Ours.
  • ・Action of registering false information.
  • ・Abuse of users' personal and authorization information.
  • ・Other acts that We deem as appropriate. 
  • ・Acts of purchasing by the purpose of resale.

Users must pay us compensation when your acts have damaged Us in the situation specified on the preceding paragraph.

Article 11

Service Outage, Alteration and Abolition

We reserve the rights to abolish all or part of Our service, thus We will not bear any responsible for any damage occurred upon users and third parties when due to the following causes:

  • ・When regular or an urgent computer system maintenance checkup needs to be performed.
  • ・When an emergency such as power outage or natural disaster occured, therefore We are
  • disabled to operate Our service.
  • ・When Our service operation is disabled due to war,civil war, rebellion,riot or a labor dispute and others occurred. 
  • ・When system dysfunction, unauthorized access, computer virus infection occurred. 
  • ・When measures have been taken based on law and ordinances. 
  • ・Others when We judge the situation as unavoidable.

Pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph, when We decide to stop the operation of Our service, We will announce the procedure to users and third parties in advance.
However, advance contact will be excluded in case of emergency.

Article 12

Service Alteration and Abolition
  • ・We reserve the rights to revise, add and delete Our service content and function at any time.
  • ・We reserve the right to abolish Our service based on Our decision at any time.
  • ・We attempt to contact Our mailing-list members/users in advance when We revise and abolish Our service content and function or abolish the service itself.

Article 13

  • ・We will not be held responsible for any damages or result incurred or triggered by Our information provision or otherwise the legality, morality, licensed rights and accuracy of the information itself.
  • ・We will not be held responsible for any trouble( Proposal of illegal or action to public order and moral, defamation, insult, privacy violation, intimidation, harassment etc) incurred between users.
  • ・We will not be held responsible for any damage or trouble incurred by rights infringement and conflict arising from it as a result of Our advertising information.
  • ・We will not be held responsible for obligation for compensation as for delay or undelivered email, incorrect indication on Ours or users' page and other causes as damage.
  • ・We will not be held responsible for the obligation for compensation as for damage incurred by users' environment such as computers, Internet connection or software etc. Moreover, We may notify users of the environment concerned by a method specified separately.
  • ・We will not be held responsible for obligation for compensation as for damage incurred by service alteration and abolition.

Article 14

Jurisdiction of the Court
  • ・We will find a solution in good faith to resolve any doubtful points or problems that arise in connection with use of Our service between Us, users and third parties.
  • ・If any doubts or problems arise even by discussion in the preceding paragraph, Osaka summary court or Osaka district court shall be the exclusive agreement jurisdictional court of first instance.

Article 15

Governing Law

This agreement is governed by Japanese law.
Established on July 1st 2020