Authorized dealer sales

Our shop only sells products from authorized product distributors or directly from the brand's distribution department in strict accordance to our selling contracts.

With regard to the pricing of products delivered through brands based in Japan or domestic authorized dealers, we adhere to the Japanese retail prices established by these authorized dealers. Therefore, there will be no price discrepancies compared to the directly operated stores (excluding promotional sales). Customers will also receive the same level of service as that provided in our directly operated stores.

Price Tags and Product Tags
Following the authorized import and delivery routes, all products in our shop arrive with their original product tags attached. To ensure smooth management of products all over the world, official brands require the original product tags remain attached for inventory purposes.

For brands based overseas, in instances where there is no domestic authorized dealer, some products may be imported directly from the brand without going through an intermediary. In such cases, as a Japanese retail price has not been established, we have the discretion to set the pricing ourselves.